Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Feeling Antsy

I'm going through that thing right now where I'm reading up on Running Forums, looking for that one interesting tidbit of information that might help me with the race. Or, just the opposite, something that makes me second guess all my training. Yesterday, I was reading a thread (on Runner's World, I think) where someone posted the FIRST training program and a few posters got really hostile about the whole thing, saying it was for "newbies" and beginners only. The thread was in 2007, but had lots of interesting opinions.

I guess it's just a taper week thing. When I'm training and logging miles, I don't have time to think about this kind of stuff.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Dreaded Shin Splints

As sure as Murphy's Law allows, if something can go wrong, it will go wrong.

What's wrong in this case is an injury less than a week from my 10k. Shin splints.

I've never really had much trouble with these in the past, I might get a little soreness during a run, but it would "go away" after I'd warm up. I think I even commented on that very thing in my 2/21/09 entry. They were just one of those things that I never really experienced long term.

Well, either the intensity or the mileage in this training program has caught up with me as I've progressed from having them "go away" to having them late in a long run, to having them the entire run, to having them around the clock. Reading up on some websites explained that this is the exact textbook progression for this "overuse" injury. Right now, as I'm writing this, they are sore, but only if I probe the area (on the inside of shin, right in front of the calf) with my hand/finger.

Doing some more reading (notably at the site below) shows that the best cure is rest, but I don't have that as an option this week. I'm going to go with the 2nd best cure, tapering and anti-inflammatories, and hope for the best.


4.16m on Treadmill (Repeats)

4.16 miles at 8.13min pace w/ avg HR of 156


1st mile in 9.00 w/ avg HR of 150 - Warmup mile

2nd mile in 7.45 w/ avg HR of 158 - included repeats

3rd mile in 7.73 w/ avg HR of 159 - included repeats

4th mile ni 8.20 w/ avg HR of 158 - included repeats and cooldown

remainder in 1.45 (9.06 pace) w/ avg HR of 151 - all cooldown


I'm beginning to question my HR monitor numbers. The last few runs, the HR has read unusually low given the speeds I was doing. This run is a perfect example of that, as I ran repeats on the treadmill on 2/24, 3/3, 3/10, & 3/24 all with avg HR in the mid to upper 160's...and now I blow this one out at 156?

The only thing that makes me think that avg *might* be legitimate is that this was a "taper" repeat session, with super short intervals (.25) as opposed to the monster 1m & up intervals I've been doing in the past.

Oh well, I'll just choose to look at it that way and let it give me a good confidence boost here in raceweek.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

7.55m on Lost Creek (LSD)

7.55 miles at 8.77 min pace w/ avg HR of 153


I'm not going to break the mileage out on this one, but suffice to say it was nice and slow and steady for both pace and HR. I had to walk sections in order to keep my pace down as it was wanting to be in the 8.50 range as opposed to 8.92 or so.


I had some shin splint issues (more on this in a later post) during this run that never went away even after I had warmed up.

Still, this was a good LSD run given that time and those HR numbers. I suppose I could have improved upon it by dropping the HR even further, but I was already walking long sections of it as it was. It also seemed like it hurt my shins more running that deliberate super-slow pace too.

Anyway, last LSD before the 10K.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

6.75 m from Y to Home (LT)

6.75 miles at 8.25min pace w/ avg HR of 162

1st mile in 8.37 @ 150

2nd mile in 8.73 @ 161 - Some pretty good uphill sections here, and I was trying to slow my HR/pace down.

3rd mile in 8.32 @ 168

4th mile in 8.15 @ 165 - Speeding up considerably as I head down Lost Creek

5th mile in 8.08 @ 165 - Ditto.

6th mile in 7.85 @ 162 - Wow, that's fast for an LT run. My HR was nice and low though and I felt fine.

remainder in 6.17 (8.23 pace) @ 164


This was the first run of my last week "taper." I was up to 9.5 miles on this run last week, reducing that considerably this go round.

I ran from the Y after my boy's soccer game all the way home, basically the same route I did on 3/21 without the loop around the H trails. The temp was comfortable but it started to rain pretty steadily the last couple of miles or so. Still, I was comfy in my new long sleeve running shirt (C9 from Target) and shorts. Starting getting some shin-splint soreness late into the run though, must have been all those big up/down hill sections.

Still, the fast time and low HR is giving me all sorts of confidence for Saturday.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

5 miles at the Dam - Tempo

5 miles on the LM Dam at about 8.04 pace w/ avg HR of 167


1st mile in 8.40 @ 150 - A little fast for a warmup mile but whatever.

2nd mile in 8.08 @ 167 - A little slow for my first tempo mile, still dialing that pace in.

3rd mile in 7.90 @ 172 - This is more like it.

4th mile in 7.78 @ 174 - Finishing strong.

5th mile in 8.02 @ 172 - For a cooldown mile, this is ridiculously fast. That's okay, I took a 5 minute walk as part of my cooldown too.


This was a 1/3/1 Tempo run where I run the middle 3 miles at ST (10K) pace.

I don't know if the GPS was off or what but this was a great run for me. It felt effortless and fluid, probably the best I've ever felt given those speeds. A couple of things were working in my favor of course: it was a mostly flat course and there was a little bit of a tailwind at times (conversely there was a headwind at times too since this was an out-and-back run).

The result was a run where my HR efficiency was the highest ever anywhere other than the treadmill.

This really gives me a lot of confidence for next weekend.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Weird Chest Pain

I woke up this morning with this weird chest pain. It's on my right side, on the inside of the pectoral muscle, and it only happens when I take in a deep breath. Did some googling and didn't really find anything that fits my symptoms so I'm hoping that it's just a deep muscle pull.

Working out at the gym today didn't seem to help, so who knows.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

5m on the Treadmill - Repeats

5 miles at 7.97 min pace w/ avg HR of 165


This was on the treadmill so my speed was precisely controlled. Basically I started out with a 1 mile warmup at around 8.82 pace, then ran 3 1 mile repeats at 7.40 pace, with a 1.50 min breaks in between at 8.82 pace. I finished up with about .65 mile at progressively slower pace, finishing up at around 9 min miles.


This was a difficult run for me. The combination of the boredom of the treadmill, with the loooong repeat at a relatively fast pace caused me to really struggle and really want it end.

Dunno if it's just training fatigue or what but I'm pretty much ready for the race to get here.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

10 miles at Riverfront - LSD

10 miles at 9.35 pace w/ avg HR of 154


I'm not going to bother breaking out all 10 miles here. Basically, I started off really slow 10.22 min/miles and finished up fairly strong at right around 9 min/miles.


That's pretty much what I wanted out of the run. I started out the first half by pushing D in the stroller with Ollie on the side. Then, after 5, I handed them off to Jen and ran the final 5 mile loop by myself.

Digression: It's funny the disparity with how people react to you when you're with dog or with child...you get all kinds of smiles and greetings when you're pushing a stroller...or especially if you have a dog...and even moreso with a "gadget" the way I have Ollie hooked up on the stroller. But when I'd pass the exact same people without kid or dog...they wouldn't even give so much as a sideways glance. Too funny.

Anyway, I purposely kept my HR in the 150's on this run and, incidentally, averaged the same HR as my 5 mile LSD back on 2/22, but with a little more speed.

This was a distance PR, btw. The longest run in my 10k training schedule and the farthest I expect to go until I potentially start marathon training in August.

Now begins the taper.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

9.50 miles LT - Misc Route

9.5 miles at 8.43 min pace w/ avg HR of 166


1st mile in 8.13 @ 166 - Whew, started out too fast

2nd mile in 8.43 @ 163 - This is more like it.

3rd mile in 8.43 @ 167 - Pretty good consistancy.

4th mile in 8.50 @ 166 - Ditto

5th mile in 8.98 @ 165 - Pretty good uphill section here.

6th mile in 8.80 @ 169

7th mile in 8.38 @ 167 - Starting back on the long downhill

8th mile in 8.08 @ 166

remaining 1.50 in 12.37 (8.25 pace) w/ 166 HR


This was an LT run where my pace should be 10k pace (sub 8min-miles) + 30-35 seconds. For me, that should be about 8:30 or 8:35 second miles, but I obviously ran a little faster. Felt good though.

Temp was in the 50's and I wore a running shirt and some shorts and was pretty comfortable. The route was back from D's soccer match at the Y. I took a detour through the Harbison trail network to add on a little mileage.

I tried out for the first time actually carrying some Gatorade with me. I have a fanny pack with a built-in water bottle holder, so I cut some low-cal Gatorade with some water and used that. After fiddling with the fanny pack adjustment to keep it from bouncing, it really wasn't too bad. I drank about half the gatorade at the halfway point, then some more at about three-quarters, and saved the remainder to drink on my cooldown walk home.

I still got cramps later though. :(

Thursday, March 19, 2009

7.56m @ Riverfront

7.56m at 8.32 pace w/ avg HR of 171


1st mile in 8.73 @ 150 - Warmup mile.

2nd mile in 8.62 @ 169 - Having a hard time finding my pace obviously.

3rd mile in 8.20 @ 173 - This is more like it.

4th mile in 8.15 @ 174 - Steadily dialing that pace in...

5th mile in 8.20 @ 176 - More of the same.

6th mile in 8.08 @ 177 - Feeling stronger and it's showing.

7th mile in 8.02 @ 179 - Probably overdoing it now.

remaining in 4.87 (8.70 min/mile) @ 177 - Not that great of a cooldown.


This was a 1/6/1 "tempo" run where I was supposed to do a warmup mile, then six miles at "MT" pace (i.e. 10k pace plus 15-20sec), then a cooldown mile. I pretty much skipped the true "cool down" and just did a half mile slow pace and then a half mile walk to the car (not counted in the total!) to cool down.

Weather was nice, sunny and in the 60's.


Had some pretty bad stomach cramps for a good 12+ hours afterwards. Maybe it was because I delayed getting some food in my stomach for awhile (had to pick up the kid from the parents and drive home to eat). So despite what I said about my OJ/water concoction below, I'm gonna experiment with having gatorade on these long (60min+) runs going forward.

Also, the Mizuno is still giving me blisters, but only on my right foot, on the inside of the ball and on the tips of my #2 and #3 toes. The nylon dress sock trick didn't help this time, so I'm going to have to figure something else out soon. I did loosen the laces a little so maybe that will help next time around.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Recovery Routine

After my long and/or strenuous runs, I have a routine that seems to work pretty well for me.

Cooldown - I don't always include a true cooldown as part of my "recorded" run, but I do always include 5-15 minutes of walking at the end. This is usually as easy as just ending my run a half to full mile from home or the finish line. My HR usually gets down to between 100-120 at the end of this cooldown.

Nourishment - Sports drinks are great, but they're expensive, not always around, and loaded with sugar (i.e. empty calories). I've found that some watered-down OJ works well for me. I always have it in the fridge, it's nutritious, and loaded with the stuff my body needs after running (potassium, vitamins, good carbs, etc). I usually take a multi-vitamin along with it to help replace all those vitamins/minerals that my body flushed out in the run.

Anti-inflammatories - With the OJ and multi-vitamin above, I usually pop 2 Ibuprofen in too.

Stretching - I wish I could say I do this *every* time, but in truth, unlike the above, I only stretch when I have time and/or the inclination.

I experimented this past weekend with an "ice bath" after my long LT run and that was quite the experience. I figured as much heat as my body was producing after running that I'd be able to handle the cold water just fine but it was really really uncomfortable there for awhile. Basically, I just got in our big tub and laid down and started the cold water. Once it filled up, I had my wife dump in the whole ice-maker tray in over me. She said I scream like our baby. :-) It was chilly enough that I was wearing a sweatshirt and a big towel over my head. I stayed in for 10 minutes and got out, walked around a bit to let my legs acclimate, then took a hot shower (probably not a good idea).

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

6m repeats on the way back from Soccer practice

6m @ 7.82 pace w/ avg HR of 173


1st mile in 8.27 @ 150 - Supposed to be a warmup mile, but that's a little too fast

2nd mile in 7.43 @ 179 - Wow, pretty fast considering only half the mile was repeat pace.

3rd mile in 7.37 @ 178 - Ditto.

4th mile in 8.68 @ 176 - Obviously fading, but the repeat pace was probably closer to target (7.33)

5th mile in 7.85 @ 178 - Getting a second wind.

6th mile in 7.32 @ 180 - Finished up at the entrance of CH.


This was supposed to be 5 three-quarter mile repeats at 7.33min/mile pace with a quarter mile in between of EZ, but I just couldn't gauge my pace early on and ran waaaaaaay too fast on the first repeat. As a result of that and a particularly hilly course, I cut all the repeats short at half mile instead. So, I did more total repeats overall, but not for the prescribed length. I'm just not that good at gauging my pace yet, as some of those early repeats were clocking at less than 7 min pace. (Made for a great overall pace though!) I got better as I got warmed up though and felt pretty strong there at the end.

Weather was great, dry and cool at about 60. It was dark by the time I got home so I purchased a reflective vest to wear from Walmart for $6.67.

P.S. This was the fastest I've ever run 6 or more miles (or 4 for that matter) , and by a good margin too (7.82 vs 8.00).

Monday, March 16, 2009

Road Running Etiquette

I've been running on the shoulder of a fairly busy road a lot lately and I have a system down for acknowledging the many passers-by in their vehicles:

  • For those that make an effort to fully swing into or near the opposite lane - Anything from a wave and a point (if I'm feeling masculine), to just a wave, or the sign-language gesture for "thank you", or a salute (if I'm feeling goofy and euphoric)
  • Any effort at all to give me space - Wave
  • No effort to give me space - Stern look
  • Coming anywhere near my white line - Dramatic jumping into the grassy shoulder
  • Actually swerving to hit me - See above, plus Wish for Bad Karma

Sunday, March 15, 2009

9.50m LSD on LostCreek and other neighborhoods

9.5 m at 8.92 pace w/ avg HR of 158


1st mile in 8.37 @ 153

2nd mile in 9.10 @ 162

3rd mile in 8.92 @ 158

4th mile in 9.03 @ 161 - Trying to keep the HR low and in the 150's

5th mile in 9.10 @ 157

6th mile in 9.10 @ 156

7th mile in 9.03 @ 159

8th mile in 8.68 @ 155 - Downhill portion on LC

9th mile and remaining in 13.38 (8.92 pace) @ 163 - Remainder of LC and a lap at the clubhouse


This was the LSD run in the week, and like yesterday, I had to fit it in between raining spells. Didn't work out too well as the latter half of of the run was in a steady rain. Like last week though, it actually invigorated me despite the mid 50ish temps and the fact I was only wearing a tank-top and shorts.

The course was Lost Creek, then one of the neighborhood, then a gravel road "shortcut" that included a creek-crossing and a loooong and steeeeep uphill, then the normal route home.

This was another distance PR, btw.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

9 Miles LT on Lost Creek

9 miles at 8.36 pace with avg HR of 166


1st mile in 8.33 @ 158

2nd mile in 8.38 @ 164

3rd mile in 8.57 @ 166

4th mile in 8.23 @ 174

5th mile in 8.32 @ 170

6th mile in 8.50 @ 169

7th mile in 8.62 @ 166

8th mile in 8.15 @ 165 - Obviously started on the steep downhill section

9th mile in 8.15 @ 165 - Loving that consistancy


This was the LT run (10k pace plus 30 to 35 sec) for the week. It had been raining and I jumped on the opportunity to get my run in when it broke. It was still very wet out and cool at about 43. I doubled up my shirt and wore a hat, but no gloves. My hands were cold at first but warmed up pretty quickly.

As for the route, I added on a quick section in CH at the beginning and then did the normal LostCreek run.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

8m Tempo at Riverfront

8 miles at 8.43 pace w/ avg HR of 171


1st mile in 8.62 @ 150 - Warmup mile. Probably a little too fast.

2nd mile in 7.97 @ 175 - First tempo run @ 10k pace. Looks like I did a pretty good job of guesstimating my pace just by feel. 7.97 would give me a 49.41 10k.

3rd mile in 8.92 @ 168 - Recovery mile.

4th mile in 7.85 @ 178 - Another good job at estimating my 10k pace.

5th mile in 8.08 @ 180 - Fell off a little here, but it was the second half of a 2 mile tempo and the overall average is still within 10k pace. Plus there were some pretty good headwinds.

6th mile in 8.98 @ 171 - Recovery mile.

7th mile in 7.90 @ 179 - Another pretty good 10k pace mile.

8th mile in 9.15 @ 173 - Cooldown.


This was a good tempo run session. I pretty much achieved my goals and I wasn't completely exhausted at the end. Within an hour of getting home, eating dinner, etc, I felt completely fine.

Those tempo intervals were pretty tough though, much tougher than previous ones run on the treadmill. I'm glad I did this one outside, but it makes me wonder about maintaining that pace for 6.2 straight miles. Here's hoping that the adrenaline from the race event itself will offset that.

On the worn out front...

After a couple of nights of good rest (8+ hours each), I'm feeling a little better.

My body is still trying to recover though, as I get sort of out of breath and/or tired feeling after climbing a set of stairs or running in the backyard with my son. A fit person that can run 9 miles at the drop of a hat shouldn't be experiencing difficulty from such mild exercise.

I have an 8 mile tempo run tonight, so let's see how that goes...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Still feeling a little worn out...

Had a long night of sleep last night (almost 9 hours) but I'm still feeling a little worn out...like a wrung out sponge.

Can't seem to "catch" my breath and it feels like (and I know this is just perception) that my heart is "tired." I've also been having some dizzy spells when I stand up too suddenly...haven't passed out or anything but just get a serious "head rush" when I stand up and I have to catch myself until it passes. Blood pressure seems to be fine though.

I know I'm in uncharted territory as far as training goes (weekly mileage, distance PRs, running frequency) and I'm losing weight faster than I ever have previously (I'm 5lbs less than I was last year at this time of training and almost 10lbs lighter than the year before that) so maybe that has something to do with it. I am eating well though...lots of healthy food (greens, veggies, fruits, along with some lean proteins and nuts)...I'm just limiting my calories to around 1600-1800 per day other than splurges on the weekend.

I'm just going to try to push through it and hope it passes at some point in the next week or so. I do have a mild taper planned the week before the race so I'm sure that will help.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

5.25 miles on the Treadmill (Repeats)

5.25 miles at 8.02 pace w/ avg HR of 164


1st mile in 9.03 @ 150

2nd mile in 7.72 @ 163

3rd mile in 7.70 @ 167

4th mile in 7.72 @ 169

5th mile in 7.73 @ 173

extra in 2.23 (8.92 pace) @ 163


This was a repeat/interval session where I ran a 1 mile warmup then did 4 three-quarter mile repeats at 7.33 pace with a quarter mile easy (9min/mile) interval in between. Finished up with a half mile cool down.

As my previous blog post showed, I wasn't really feeling it for this session, and consequently I was struggling on each of those repeats, especially the last one. I had to do all sorts of mind tricks/games to keep from just staring at the readout on the treadmill anticipating the end of the repeat.

Still, it turned out to be a great run, at least from the look of the numbers. I'm thinking, though, that my HRM batteries are getting ready to go, as I don't really trust those averages that are showing up. I'll change the battery tonight and see what happens.

Starting to feel a little run down...

I don't know if I over did it on the weekend (a 5k and a distance PR, plus washing/waxing the cars, and a looong walk around downtown on Sunday with the family) or if I'm just adjusting to Daylight Savings Time, but I'm feeling a little run down and fatigued lately. I'm counting on it not being the "wall" or whatever this early in my training schedule.

Here's hoping that some speedwork on the treadmill today at lunch will snap me out of it.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

9 miles on LostCreek - LT

9 miles in 8.43 pace w/ avg HR of 170


1st mile in 8.55 @ 150

2nd mile in 8.50 @ 168

3rd mile in 8.43 @ 172

4th mile in 8.57 @ 173

5th mile in 8.38 @ 173

6th mile in 8.38 @ 173

7th mile in 8.20 @ 173 - Loving that HR consistency

8th mile in 8.32 @ 171

9th mile in 8.57 @ 175


This was a new distance PR for me, eclipsing the one I set a week ago (I expect to eclipse this one next Saturday 3/14).

I felt fine during this LT run and had good energy at the end of it. Weather was great, sunny and in the mid 50's at the start of the run. I was comfortable in shorts and a sleeveless running shirt. Pace was pretty much where I wanted it to be and I really felt like I could continue on at that pace for another 4 miles at least (i.e. a half-marathon).

Saturday, March 7, 2009

5k @ Zoo - March4Meals - 3.1m

3.1 m at 7.68 pace w/ HR 181


1st mile in 7.77 @ 173

2nd mile in 8.12 @ 184

3rd mile in 7.25 @ 185

extra in .68 (6.80 pace) @ 189

I tried a new (for me) warmup technique prior to this race where I did some steady jogging for a good 10-15 minutes prior to get my HR up. The thinking is that doing so will not only looosen up the muscles but also allow me to avoid the "shock" of the sudden HR spike in the first mile or so of the race. I was monitoring my HR at the start line and it never dipped below 100, mostly because of my warmup plus the jogging-in-place that I was doing. I think it helped because I don't remember feeling that strange "choking" and "hard to breathe" sensation that I get in the first mile of races, when I'm trying to settle into my race pace.

As to the disparate splits, this course has a middle mile that is pretty hilly and narrow (i.e. nature trail pathways). So, the hills slowed me down some, but it was mostly the jackrabbits that slowed down and decided to walk this section, consequently getting in the way. I actually had to climb/jump over a huge rock to make a pass at one point. :)

I did vastly improve upon my race time from the previous year (by over a minute) even though my average HR really jumped (by over 12 bpm). I guess I can attribute that to the pre-race warmup as well as better HR conditioning this year (?). I know that I had more "kick" at the end of the race than last year, and I felt like I passed more people too.

P.S. This was within 6 seconds of a 5k PR for me.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

5 miles on Treadmill (Tempo)

5 miles at 8.34 pace w/ avg HR of 165


1st mile in 9.00 @ 150

2nd mile in 8.00 @ 165

3rd mile in 8.00 @ 169

4th mile in 7.97 @ 171

5th mile in 8.72 @ 169


This was a repeat of the previous week's tempo run where I warmed up for a mile, then did 3 miles at "ST" pace (according to the Furman FIRST program, ST = equals about your expected 10k pace), then 1 mile cooldown.

Not much changed from the previous week, other than some mild HR fluctuation.

I plan to do this tempo type run (with varying distances) every Thursday all the way up to the Bridge Run.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

5.25m on Treadmill (Repeats)

5.25m at 8.10 pace w/ avg HR of 167


1st mile in 9.00 @ 150

2nd mile in 7.73 @ 168

3rd mile in 7.83 @ 170

4th mile in 7.83 @ 173

5th mile in 8.07 @ 176

extra in 2.08 (8.32 pace) @ 171


This was an interval/repeat speedwork session where I started out with a warmup mile, then did 8 quarter mile repeats at 7min/mile pace w/ quarter mile intervals of easy running (about 8.50min pace) in between.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

8.21 m on New Route (to parents' house) - LSD

8.21 m at 9.01 pace w/ avg HR of 161


1st mile in 8.17 @ 152 - This was quite a bit faster than I had in mind, but in fairness, it was the first mile and it was mostly downhill.

2nd mile in 8.50 @ 167

3rd mile in 9.03 @ 161 - This is about where I wanted to be on this run.

4th mile in 9.03 @ 164 - More of the same.

5th mile in 9.03 @ 160 - Ditto

6th mile in 9.57 @ 162 - While not "bonking" per se, I'm starting to feel the effects of some unfamiliar hills and the long run from the day before. Pace is still fine, and I'm taking a few walk breaks when the HR spikes.

7th mile in 9.45 @ 163

8th mile in 9.40 @ 162

extra in 1.73 (8.24 pace) @ 160


This was a new distance record for me. The route was pretty good and had some decent hills, I'd do this one again. Temp was in the low 40's and drizzling. It was actually raining on the first mile or so and I considered heading back as a long run in the cold rain was not exactly what I wanted. Good thing I stuck it out because the rain stopped altogether and that particular hour + block of time was the only non-raining period in the entire day.