Tuesday, April 28, 2009

5 miles on way back from YMCA

5 m at 8.57 pace w/ avg HR of 166

1 - 9.10/155 - (8.18/167)
2 - 8.43/166 - (8.43/172)
3 - 8.50/169 - (9.03/176)
4 - 8.43/166 - (8.43/180)
5 - 8.38/177 - (9.22/185)


The parentheticals are the times/HR from the past Saturday's run which was on the same course (just about - the last mile was a little different, I ran up the hill to my house in this run whereas I looped the flat clubhouse driveway this past saturday).

This is pretty interesting on a few points:

* The difference that about 10-15 degrees in heat can make.
* Miles 2 and 4 were at the exact same pace, but with wildly different HR.
* I was running much faster over the last 4 miles on average, but with much lower HR.

I think it was also helped by that slow first mile warmup. Lesson learned there.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

6m LSD on LostCreek

6m at 8.61 w/ avg HR of 161



Okay, this run was more like it. Granted, it was in the morning (roughly 845am to 945am) so it was cooler, but I was also much more in control and running like I was while training for CBR. I kept my HR in range and slowed down when it was getting over 170. This resulted in a slowdown on the first half of the course (all uphill) and of course a speed-up on the back half. A little fast for a true LSD, but I'm not really "training" right now, so that's fine.

Ran for the first time with my new Ironman sunglasses I bought from Target the day before. They functioned very well (they have slats to prevent fogging - which worked) but I was constantly having to take them off to wipe my brow. I think the only way I'll be able to get by with these is when I'm wearing a headband, as it was just too annoying to constantly take them off. They'll definitely get use when I'm biking though.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

5m LT from YMCA

5m at 8.66 w/ avg HR of 176

8.18/167 - Think I started out too fast?
9.03/176 - Total bonk city.
9.22/185 - Blah


This course was from the YMCA and through the RW neighborhood and then home. It was too hot (80ish with high humidity) for these types of hills. Compounding the problem, I came out of the gate way too fast and was done about mid way through. I slogged through the rest as best as I could but was really hurting by the end, as evidenced by that last mile's avg HR which was close to my estimated MAX.

It also didn't help that I ran with my new C9 hat, which, while vented, is black. Don't think that's going to work on sunny days which is the entire point of wearing a hat. Ah well, it looks cool at least.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

2.95m @ TSFG

This was just a "gym" or "cardio" run. I didn't have my GPS/HR or even my normal running shoes. I ran in my gym shoes (New Balance 474's - which are supposed to be "trail" shoes but are just your basic $30-50 Kohl's/Dick's/Shoe-Dept specials) and I could tell the difference almost immediately. I'll reserve these just for those short runs like today where I can't do too much damage to my feet. Heck, it didn't even take 3 miles before my feet were eat-up with small surface blisters.

Anyway, I know my distance from using Gmap pedometer and I'm estimating my time at about 25 minutes judging by the gym wall-clock. That puts this run at about 8.47 pace, which sounds about right.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

5.23m LSD @ Sandhills

5.23 miles @ 9.61 pace w/ avg HR of 155


1 - 9.77 @ 152

2 - 9.52 @ 156

3 - 9.87 @ 155

4 - 9.87 @ 155 (it's weird when they exactly repeat like that)

5 - 9.10 @ 155

.23 - 2.15 (9.35 pace) @ 160


This was an LSD run with Jen after I finished mowing/landscaping her mother's lawn. We took it from her mom's driveway up to the Sandhills area loop and then back again. It was Jen's longest run since the baby was born. Worked out great because it was an LSD for me but more of an LT for her as she gets her pace back up. We're going to continue these long partner runs every weekend until Marathon training stars in mid-August. We'll slowly increase the distance until we're doing 8.5 miles in early August, then take a "taper" weekend at 7 before doing the first 8m run of the schedule. By that time, I'm hoping we'll be able to get Jen's speed up to around mine as it usually is.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Back in the Saddle...

First run since the Cooper (4/4) and first since the "procedure."

4.52m @ 8.36 pace w/ avg HR of 169


1 - 8.20 @ 158

2 - 8.38 @ 168

3 - 8.57 @ 170

4 - 8.50 @ 175

.52 - 4.13 (7.94 pace) @ 176


Not a bad LT run for the first time back out. Probably could've gone a little farther, but I didn't want to push it considering A) it had been 2 full weeks since I last ran, and B) I was still having a few complications from the "procedure" only 8 days prior (i.e. some incisions were still bleeding and there was still some sensitivity). I figured 4.50 would be about right.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Post Race Euphoria (soreness)

Here I am 3 days after my big race and I have done very little but eat all the stuff that I've been depriving (snickers bar, peanut m&m's, hostess cupcakes - to my credit, I have yet to dig into the Girl Scout Cookies that Jen had hidden from me).

Strangely, I am *still* experiencing some leg soreness even to this day, and particularly in the mornings. Some of that is due to the great effort I put forth I'm sure...but I think it's also partly because I completely ignored my normal cool down routine after the race. It was basically a mad dash to grab some freebies, meet up with Dawn, meet up with the wife and kids and mother-in-law, head to the hotel, shower/change, and get to the mexican place for lunch(!).

No time in there for stretching as you can see.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

2009 Bridge Run - The quest for the sub 50 minute race

Okay, so it's finally here. All the training, all the bad luck with injuries and illness, all the good luck (with weather and time/sheduling issues)...all that's behind and it's time for the race.

The sub 50 minute 10K goal is met: 6.2 miles in 47.88 (47:53) w/ an avg HR of 181.


Here's how it went down:


1st mile in 8.03 @ 169 - Okay, I'm feeling okay about this time. It's the first mile, I'm not perfectly warmed up because of all the waiting around, and there's lots of jockeying around for position this early in the race. This is only a little bit off of target pace.

2nd mile in 8.62 @ 180 - This time completely deflates me. I can't believe my eyes when I see it, because I feel like I'm running pretty good. HR is elevated, I'm not dealing with jackrabbits in the way, and my running form is stretched out and about where I want it. The only thing that's difficult is the last quarter of this mile is actually going up the bridge, so there's a good stretch uphill (with a headwind). Still, at this point, given my perceived level-of-effort, I'm sure my 50 min goal is just plain shot as I am clearly not feeling it today for whatever reason (cold, etc).

3rd mile in 7.18 @ 185 - What's this? A 7.18 min/mile? Most of that UP the bridge hill? What? I guess we're back on again! 50 min goal is once again achievable! Seriously, this mile did wonders for my confidence after that 2nd mile #. (In hindsight, I think that the mile markers must have been a little off - i.e. Mile 2 was probably carrying about 5-10% of mile 3's distance - there's just no way that there would be this much of a disparity between my splits). Note - On the bridge, I spotted an older (50's) guy wearing a tshirt saying "Oxygen is overrated - Run the blah-blah-blah Mountain race." Well, I guess O2 isn't quite *that* overrated, since I passed him at some point and didn't see him again.

4th mile in 7.22 @ 182 - A large part of this was the downhill of the bridge, but that's still a solid split that's giving more continued confidence. Suddenly, having made up all the deficit I incurred on the 1st & 2nd miles on the 3rd, and gaining 38 seconds on this 4th mile...the 50 min goal is readily in hand and I'm considering 49 minutes? 48 minutes?? Note - Coming down the long downhill stretch of the hill, I noticed the combover guy from my neighborhood running along the left hand side. Either he jumped out ahead at the beginning, or he was just way in front of me in line, but I only now caught up to him. As I steadily reeled him in, I had every intention of looking for his bib number as I passed, but before I knew it he was gone and I was down off the bridge and into Charleston proper.

5th mile in 7.70 @ 183 - After I hit the 4 mile marker, I made a conscious effort to back off a little and conserve a little energy. This mile was the result of that. I usually have trouble in the downtown sections, mostly because you're coming off that long downhill section where it's fast and breezy and nice...into the muggy and flat and enclosed streets of downtown. So, I backed off a little bit to save for that last mile and 2/10ths. My mantra at this point was "you can tolerate anything for 15 minutes," which was about the time I estimated I had left in the race. 50 minutes was a given, now I was definitely shooting for 49 and beyond.

6th mile in 7.43 @ 184 - This was a tough mile, but the break was over and it was time to buckle down and get to work. At one point, I tried my mind-trick of counting every right step, but I only did that for 30 seconds or so before I got bored and stopped. My mantra switched to "you can survive anything for 10 minutes." I don't remember any runners or spectators around me, they were all just a vague image in the fog of my pounding head. I do remember thinking "I could slow down to a 9 minute pace on this one and still hit 50 minutes." Good thing I didn't. At one point, I noticed a camera guy on a cat walk above Meeting St and I pointed at him to see if he'd take my picture.

.20 mile in 1.52 (7.60 pace) @ 186 - When I crossed the 6th mile marker and saw my split, I was convinced I could do 48 minutes. I couldn't even remember the specific reward Jen had promised for that time goal (and completely forgot a key part of it when I relayed it to Dawn later), but I am soooo glad I had that additional goal specified as otherwise I might have just been satisfied with 50 minutes and given into the pain a mile and a half ago. On the final left turn, a pack of runners that were cutting the corner collided and a man practically ran over a kid and cursed at him in the process. Nice move, jackass. After I rounded the corner and could read the time board way down at the finish line, I estimated I had about 30 seconds to get there and beat 48 minutes. I turned it on as best I could. I thought I was moving pretty fast until this 20 year old kid flew past me on the right in a dead out sprint. I don't know if I could run that fast at the beginning of a run...dude must've been saving some serious energy for the end. I crossed the line in 23 of the 30 seconds I had and immediately slowed to a walk. A guy on the right was bent over at the sidewalk and (I think) hurling. Wasn't the 20 year old kid though.


Post Race - I walked down the finish chute and by the time I reached the stop light I was pretty much recovered. I even jogged a little towards the sweat shuttles since I wanted to hurry and start gathering freebies. I stopped on the way and grabbed a couple of Vitamin Waters that were being handed out and guzzled one immediately. Made it up to the sweat shuttles and noticed that the normal freebie fair area was empty so I figured they must have moved that into the regular expo area. Gathered my bag up and got things sort of situated, estimated I had about 20 minutes til Dawn showed up so I headed over to get some freebies.

There was a 30 yard line waiting for the Clif bar tent, so I got into that and got some of those and the oreos and graham crackers they were giving away. I saw a Red Bull tent in the distance and headed that way. Grabbed a banana and some water and choked both down.

Waited for Dawn for a while but we apparently missed each other because she said she was waiting for me for at least 15 minutes. Ate a free lara bar while I waited for her and drank a water a girl next to me offered because it was extra. Was worried a little about Dawn and called Jen to see if maybe she had heard from her, she hadn't but was about 20 minutes out of Chas so there was no need to hurry.

Finally spotted Dawn and she was excited because she met her goal of running the whole race. Didn't know what her time was though (she ended up doing great and running a sub 11-min-mile).

We hung around for a little while and then made the long walk down to Waterfront park to meet up with everyone. (Note - Rent one of those bike rickshaw things next year to carry us instead of walking.)

We had absolutely gorgeous weather (temp around 60 at the start of the race and a perfectly clear sky) and I wore a short sleeved running tee, shorts, my Brooks shoes, and the Halo headband. The headband worked pretty well as I don't remember wiping sweat out of my eyes but maybe one time.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Picking up the Packet in Charleston

What a mess that was. In the previous 6 years we've run this race, it's been a simple matter of breezing into Gaillard Auditorium, looking at the board for our bib number, then walking in and getting our bib/chip/packet and heading back out to browse the vendors and the freebies.

Not this time.

When we arrived, we saw all these people crowded around the street corner like they were waiting to cross. Weird, I thought, and I went on to cross the street. No, they were waiting in line to get in. We started passing them and then line extended the entire block and around the back of the building. I told Dawn to just go look around since she already had her packet mailed to her.

An hour + later, I had my packet in hand and we were headed to eat dinner at 830pm.

Lesson learned: Have the packet mailed from now on.

Murphy's Law part Deux

First it was the shin splints, now I'm getting a cold.

It started yesterday with some mild coughing and congestion/soreness in my throat. So, I tried to zap it overnight with some Zicam but woke up feeling pretty much the same.

There's a slim chance it might some kind of allergy thing (pollen is really bad right now) but I don't want to take any Claritin for fear it'll mess with me performance-wise tomorrow.

I had a cold once this year during training (around Mid-February) and I just pushed through it, so hopefully it won't progress much and I can do the same in the morning.

It just figures though, right?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Now, the wait begins...

As I mentioned in my last post, I ran my last training run for the 2009 BR season. Now, I sit and wait.

Well, not exactly "sit" and wait, as I am going to the gym today to do some light cardio (10min or so) then some weight training. I think the weight training has made a difference this year as I'm leaner with lower body fat (15% vs 16.1% at this time last year) and since I've added more leg strength training to my regimen, I think it's made me a faster runner, especially on downhills as I've read recently that leg strength allows a runner to push through a downhill section rather than just "bang" down from leg to leg.

A note on that fat % before I forget: I have a scale at home that I bought from Target on clearance 5+ years ago that gives weight and body fat percentages. I'm not sure the body fat percentages are accurate though, as every time I've had that measured elsewhere (like at the gym, or during a wellness exam) it's registered much lower numbers than my scale. Like 10-12% as opposed to the 15+19% range I get at home. Still, my scale provides a good baseline to show ups and downs and even though the number may not be right, I still know whether I'm getting leaner or fatter from time to time.

Anyway, back to the "wait." As I said above, today I do the gym and then tomorrow I do nothing, other than walk around in Chas a bit after picking up the packet and shop around.

My state of mind right now is that I'm ready for this race to be over, so a) I'll know how I did...and b) I'll be able to eat all the stuff that I've been depriving myself of the last couple of weeks.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

4.86 miles in CH - EZ

4.86 miles at 8.82 pace w/ avg HR of 162


GPS batteries died on me mid-run (I had to measure the distance via Gmaps Pedometer) so I don't have individual mile breakouts.

Basically I did a long warmup of about 2 miles, then did a 1mile+ at my planned 10k Pace (what felt like it anyway), then a 1mile+ cooldown.

The neighborhood is hilly and my HR was getting up there a few times, and I broke into a very good sweat, so I'm a little surprised (pleasantly) that that avg HR is so low.


This was the last training run for my BridgeRun "season." I can't say it was exactly confidence-inspiring but it was supposed to be slow and easy and I just tacked on that tempo session in the middle on a whim.

The shin splints I recently wrote about didn't flare up again thankfully. I'd say the cure was a combination of 48hrs rest, the Naproxen Sodium (i.e. generic "Aleve") I've been taking, and the fact that my Brooks Adrenaline ASR's don't give me as much trouble in that area as my other rotation shoes, the Mizuno Inspire 4. I plan to run the race in the Brooks, partly for that very reason.

Oh, I also listened to a motiontraxx (http://www.motiontraxx.com/) podcast (the 180bpm one) for the first time and, while I liked it, I don't think I'm going to use that Playlist for my race this saturday. I think I'll stick to my tried-and-true songs instead. The motiontraxx seemed to mess with my pacing and actually slow me down. Makes sense, since the host said that the beat was set for "about a 9 to 10 min mile 10k" which is considerably slower than I plan to run the race. It'll be great for long training runs (maybe marathon training?) in the future though.

Oh yeah, about that Chest Pain...

I forgot to mention earlier, but that chest pain I posted about on 3/25 just went away on its own. It was gone by Monday of this week entirely. I guess it was just some sort of pulled muscle.